Helping you understand your limiting beliefs, unhelpful behaviours and bad habits so you can change what’s stopping you from being the best version of yourself.

As featured in Feedspot’s 15 best Australian Life Coach Blogs and Websites in 2023

Luke Fenwick Luke Fenwick

Understanding Human Behaviour - 6 Lessons Learned From 4 Years of Life Coaching

Unlock the secrets of human behaviour! Luke Fenwick, experienced life coach, shares 6 transformative lessons learned from 4 years of coaching people. Discover the power of positive narratives, the catalyst of action, embracing change, the need for support, overcoming excuses, and gaining perspective. Take one small action today for a life-changing journey. Make 2024 your most impactful year yet!

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Luke Fenwick Luke Fenwick

Mindset Snacking: 10 Minutes a Day to Change your Life

As a life and mindset coach, I created an infallible strategy that I call mindset snacking which revolves around taking small, mindful actions throughout the day to improve your mindset. I believe that mindset snacking is a powerful way to gradually change your thinking patterns and create a more positive outlook on life. Just give it 10 min a day. Read one for more.

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That's BS! newsletter Luke Fenwick That's BS! newsletter Luke Fenwick

Embracing the Hero Within: Conquering Self-Doubt

Self-doubt, that lingering voice questioning our abilities, can hinder personal growth and limit our potential. But buried within lies a hidden hero waiting to emerge. Conquering self-doubt begins with self-reflection, understanding its origins and challenging negative beliefs. Surrounding yourself with a supportive network fuels confidence and offers valuable insights. Positive self-talk replaces doubts with affirmations of strength and past triumphs. Embrace the hero within, breaking free from its constraints, and unlock the greatness that awaits. You are the hero of your own story, capable of overcoming any obstacle.

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That's BS! newsletter Luke Fenwick That's BS! newsletter Luke Fenwick

Nail 2023 with these beginning of the year strategies

2023’s just rolled on and there’s no better time to step it up than at the beginning of the year as you’re full of hope and motivation to finally be the best version of you. But as we know, that’s only going to get you so far… What you need to succeed are solid strategies from an experienced life coach. Read on for a multi-tier approach to getting the rest of January 2023 and beyond off to a flyer.

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That's BS! newsletter Luke Fenwick That's BS! newsletter Luke Fenwick

You can have it all and feel empty

It’s been an amazing year… but does life feel a little empty?! TBS is usually all about breaking from behaviours that no longer serve us (or never served us at all). However, this edition is for those that have had an awesome year and need to reflect and accept all the goodness that this represents! Sometimes my role as a life coach is to remind clients “Hey, it’s not all bad, you have made progress… enjoy!” or “Wake up, smell the roses!”

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Luke Fenwick Luke Fenwick

Men choosing change live happier lives

Why are men choosing change at some stage in their lives? Relationship failing, not being great dads, could be doing better at work, drinking too much, wanting healthier habits… whatever it is for you, you know something’s got to give yet you lack the tools to make changes happen; and most importantly make them last. I call on men choosing change, read on if you believe your life is worth choosing change now.

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That's BS! newsletter Luke Fenwick That's BS! newsletter Luke Fenwick

Master your focus and make 2023 your best year yet

Do you know why most people don’t achieve what they want? It’s because they get distracted and lose focus along the way. To master your focus, you need to be able to focus beyond just the occasions that suit you. It is your ability to lock your mind in with frequency, often during the times when you would rather be doing something else. So, how do you master your focus? Read on to find out.

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Luke Fenwick Luke Fenwick

The male ego’s inevitable fall from grace

The male ego is deep-rooted but also fragile. When your ego runs wild and you haven’t got a clue how to keep in check, it can hold you back more than serve you. Understanding where it comes and how it drives your decisions can make all the difference. In this article, Luke Fenwick, life coach for men, gives practical tips to manage men’s egos and redirect focus on more serving habits.

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Luke Fenwick Luke Fenwick

Mindset coaching: how you can take your mindset from ordinary to extraordinary

You can train your body as much as you like but in the end, your mind is the winner or the loser. Of course, as a mindset coach, I already knew that but when faced with a real-life obstacle that challenged everything I knew (a 60km ultra marathon), I got tested. This is a tale about mindset coaching and the lesson is not what you expect. Read on for the details.

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Luke Fenwick Luke Fenwick

Is your communication style, your problem?

Do you listen only because you are trying to figure out what to say next? Or do you listen seeking to understand the situation for what it is and make each encounter the best it can be? Good communication is about showing up and understanding. Is the way you communicate helping you or working against you? What if your communication style is YOUR problem?

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Luke Fenwick Luke Fenwick

Are you flirting with the idea of change?

Are you flirting with the idea of achieving change but never actually doing it? This is a story and concept that fits painfully into the space between creating the goal or new year’s resolution and then letting go of the same idea (usually by early Feb), are you there yet?

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Luke Fenwick Luke Fenwick

9 powerful and impactful actions to take in the first 9 days of a new year

No matter how challenging 2020 has been, in almost all cases, it is not really the reason for falling short. You are the reason for not making changes! And when we accept that, amazing things can happen.

Here are 9 powerful and impactful actions you can take in the first 9 days of 2021 to get the year off to a flyer and help you create a different story for the year ahead.

Same habits = same results. New powerful habits = different powerful results.
Goodbye 2020...Hello 2021.

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Luke Fenwick Luke Fenwick

Men, working your shit out by yourselves just doesn’t work!

This blog is about men taking the lead to sort out some pretty serious shit, this not just about a plan but firstly owning up to where you are at and then what comes next. Masculinity is not about being a tough guy. Men, it’s time to stop the acts of being a boy at heart and sort your shit out!

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Videos Luke Fenwick Videos Luke Fenwick

30 Days left in 2020, then what’s your excuse? (video)

So you have 30 days now to climb that Mt Everest, you have been looking up at all year.

Will you be able to identify the goals that will make fundamental changes to your life?

Then create a strategy that will get you there... Not just half way...again?

Accountability and steps towards the legacy you want in 2021. Tick tock on this year. What happens next?

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Luke Fenwick Luke Fenwick

Are you suffering from fopo?

FOPO is an acronym that stands for Fear Of People’s Opinions. In this blog I explore FOPO, what it is, where it comes from, how to recognise the signs of FOPO, some of the triggers that may set it off for you and what you can do to learn to master it. Read on to get a few steps further towards you being free from FOPO or maybe just suffering from it far less?

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Videos Luke Fenwick Videos Luke Fenwick

Crossroads of choice (video)

Because no one is perfect and no one is finished we all have change.

When is the last time you sat down and explored all of the things that you'd like to change in your life?

When is the last time you sat down and faced it and owned it versus being a consumer of life and having things thrown at you all of the time.

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