30 Days left in 2020, then what’s your excuse? (video)

So you have 30 days now to achieve what you’ve been looking up at all year. Will you be able to identify the goals that will make fundamental change to your life?

+ Video transcript

30 days left in the year! Are you part of the 10% or the 90%?

Did you make the changes you wanted to this year, did you push past procrastination and fight through to success?

Some studies say that only 10% of people stick with a difficult challenge past one year of beginning.

Let’s be honest. There are plenty of excuses why this year is the year it didn’t happen for people, possibly for you but is 2020 really another excuse and do you want to keep carrying it around into 2021?

So you have 30 days now to climb that Everest, that you have been looking up at all year.

Will you be able to:

  1. Identify the goals that WILL make fundamental changes to your life?
  2. Then create a strategy that will get you there... Not just half way...again.

Do you now, after a year of thinking, have a handle on those beliefs that buzz around your mind when you look... to move... forward?

The ones that just keep popping up? Making you panic, freeze AND procrastinate.

When your mind once again says, too hard, too much to achieve, don’t know the path forward... do you have a crystal clear very personal way to stay motivated?

What action or word will always get you moving forward?

30 days to either figure it out yourself or get help with the things that matter most in your life to you and impact those you love the most.

Forget the 30 days let’s just focus on getting it right with: goals, strategy, beliefs, motivation, consistency, accountability and steps towards the legacy you want in 2021.

30 days and counting to sort all of this out to ensure you are in the 10% in 12 months time.

You have the power to make change in a moment, to care more, be more, give more, love more, live more.

30 days to find the path to the new you. Tick tock Tick tock Lets go.

Thank you again for joining me as I look impact 1 million lives by 2025.

Until next time be safe, be well.

Bye for now 🙏⚡🌏

Luke Fenwick 0402 242 200


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