The No-BS Path to Personal Growth Blog
Practical strategies to help you break through limits, build better habits, and become the best version of yourself.
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Embracing the Hero Within: Conquering Self-Doubt
Self-doubt, that lingering voice questioning our abilities, can hinder personal growth and limit our potential. But buried within lies a hidden hero waiting to emerge. Conquering self-doubt begins with self-reflection, understanding its origins and challenging negative beliefs. Surrounding yourself with a supportive network fuels confidence and offers valuable insights. Positive self-talk replaces doubts with affirmations of strength and past triumphs. Embrace the hero within, breaking free from its constraints, and unlock the greatness that awaits. You are the hero of your own story, capable of overcoming any obstacle.
Don’t wait for motivation, create it with these simple life coach tips
This edition of TBS newsletter is giving the un-motivated the tools to find motivation again. Bottom line is... don't wait for motivation. It isn't an innate aptitude, something that some people have and some don't, you can create it. Read on to discover these simple, yet life changing, life coach tips.
9 powerful and impactful actions to take in the first 9 days of a new year
No matter how challenging 2020 has been, in almost all cases, it is not really the reason for falling short. You are the reason for not making changes! And when we accept that, amazing things can happen.
Here are 9 powerful and impactful actions you can take in the first 9 days of 2021 to get the year off to a flyer and help you create a different story for the year ahead.
Same habits = same results. New powerful habits = different powerful results.
Goodbye 2020...Hello 2021.
30 Days left in 2020, then what’s your excuse? (video)
So you have 30 days now to climb that Mt Everest, you have been looking up at all year.
Will you be able to identify the goals that will make fundamental changes to your life?
Then create a strategy that will get you there... Not just half way...again?
Accountability and steps towards the legacy you want in 2021. Tick tock on this year. What happens next?