How to heal emotional wounds


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What are emotional wounds?

“Emotional and psychological traumas are the result of extremely stressful events that leave us feeling unsafe and disconnected from everyone around us.”

Let’s be honest, in some cases these wounds are not necessarily connected to what many people would consider to be huge life events but your perspective on those same events might make them so.

If we know what emotional wounds are then the next door to pass through, should be…

What does healing emotional wounds really mean?

For the emotionally wounded, it can be hard to even be able to recognise what is happening. Healing your emotional wounds means acknowledging, accepting and processing the life event [whatever it may be]. It’s not about ultimately forgetting but embracing it to become a part of your life story in a way that is not debilitating.

The words and labels we use for ourselves are extremely powerful and this is exactly the same.

B is for Behaviour(s)

To know how to heal emotional wounds, start at the beginning

Understanding the behaviours associated with them is the first step in healing.

If you’re emotionally wounded, you may:

  • replay past events over again and ruminate on them,

  • cry for no reason,

  • struggle to find joy in the things that you once love,

  • get very emotional, frustrated, angry or distant from those close to you, or

  • sleep poorly or even feel impacted when it comes to general health and fitness.

It’s also important to see how emotional wounds might be holding you back from reaching your potential both as the ‘individual’ and in places such as relationships? Often, this can be because you are less connected in the moment, still fixated on the past.

In some circumstances, it can also lead to you not giving the present a chance, meaning you are missing out on what could be, as the past is holding you in a place that no longer exists.

It might be justified in your mind but really, your present and future self is not all they could be because you are stuck in the past.

S is for Strategies

How to heal emotional wounds in 5 actions

If you recognise the behaviours associated with having emotional wounds and indeed, accept it is time to move forward, here’s what you can do.

Keeping in mind the importance of acknowledging, accepting and processing:

  1. Ensure your self care, self love and SELF are number 1 on your priority list.

  2. Be patient with your progress. Take small, tiny but purposeful actions forward.

  3. Acknowledge where you are on the journey and how far you have already come.

  4. Talk about it. If you are struggling, don’t sit in silence (certainly not by yourself).

  5. Know that you might have a few more emotional ups and downs. Accept that because that’s ok!

I am sorry that you have emotional wounds, I am sorry if they are still fresh and feel very raw. Even if they came to you yesterday, know that they are in the past and the future awaits you to be ready to move forward at the right time.

Learning how to heal emotional wounds doesn’t diminish them, it’s just about giving yourself acceptance to move on.

If you do indeed have extreme and deep trauma from the past, it’s great that you are reading this. That’s a small step in the right direction but it might be time to seek out the right sort of therapy and support.

Someone else said about this

“Time doesn’t heal emotional pain, you need to learn how to let go.”
Roy T Bennett

If you need further help with your emotional wounds, book a FREE chat with me - no pressure, no commitment.

IMPORTANT: Everyone processes trauma and/or deep emotional wounds differently, if you feel helpless and you no longer know what to do, please reach out for support to professionals in your local area.

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