The No-BS Path to Personal Growth Blog
Practical strategies to help you break through limits, build better habits, and become the best version of yourself.
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Life Doesn’t Need to Be Perfectly Balanced
Perfect balance might be holding you back. Life isn’t about constant harmony—it’s about prioritising what matters now and embracing life’s seasons. Discover how to focus your energy, redefine your priorities, and create progress without guilt or overwhelm in this practical guide to life balance.
How to heal emotional wounds
Emotional wounds, we all have them (or had them) from a difficult time in our past. Studies say that grief takes a minimum of 12 weeks to move through and emotional wounds need even more time to heal. This edition of TBS is about how to heal emotional wounds; less about the band aid solution but more, about the plan to help move you forward once the most important part is achieved which is… read on for 5 actions to take to heal your emotional wounds.
Is finding the time for what matters a struggle?
Understanding the principles of time management through a course or a book is useful but if you ask me, you would be wasting your money and your time (!) because the true synonym of time management is… wait for it… PRIORITIES! And that starts with you and the type of strategy applied to what you have going on. It’s about clarity, schedule and commitment. Read on for more.