Breaking bad habits (video)

+ Video transcript

We all have habits and routine don’t we? Our life is made up of them but Does your habit, love you….

Is that thing that you might be doing 3 or 20 times a week, giving you the energy, support and dedication you give it? Is it filling your life with joy or ripping it apart? Simple bad habits like overthinking or spending money you don’t have, can hold you back from creating the life you want But how does behaviour and habit form in the beginning? This is important to know BJ Fogg behavioural scientist says that when Prompt + Ability + and Motivation all come together habits will form. That’s right the more frequent the prompt combined with the ease of completion plus a high level of motivation or desire will lead to habit or behaviour .

Let’s name a few more see if they ring a bell:

  • Snacking
  • Being it bad relationships
  • Poor communication to loved ones
  • Negative thinking
  • There are so many, so many…. But what can we do about it?

Here are ways I help my clients break their habits.

Firstly and unsurprisingly - What is the bad habit you have? Get super clear on this. You need to see it and name it - Actually I want you to write that down NOW.

What is the trigger that leads to you doing this bad habit - are there particular thoughts, times or situations where they frequently occur?

You need to see this coming and break that pattern. Then ask yourself:

  • What is it doing to your life? - Be honest - What would your life be like if you kicked the habit?
  • Give me 3 powerful words that represent your new life. 3 words that give you strength and vision.
  • Who does it impact if you don’t stop?
  • What is the belief that is stuck in your mind that convinces you that this habit is helpful
  • Is this fact or fiction?

Now making habits is far far easier than kicking a bad habit. Yes many habits are formed when we are children, however think of all the ones we pick up in our teenage years or even into our mid 20’s and beyond.

Here are 3 tips to break a bad habit:

  1. Create a bunch of new ones- that take the time, focus and energy away from the old.
  2. Make the current habit Harder to do or Remove prompt or motivation altogether. Remember you started them somewhere.
  3. Replace/swap - Out with the old in with the new.

The sooner you accept that this action and habit is 100% your choice the closer you are to making change. Lastly, I want to share with you what I call the flash point. The gap between the action and decision to proceed. This is all about interrupting that thought and actions that follow.

Now that you have great clarity on the habit you want to break and when and where it starts. We want to work on bringing back the thoughts to the prefrontal cortex of the brain where you have control when the urge of your habits starts to arise.

There are a few ways to do this. Firstly, Repeat the 3 powerful words you created to represent your life when you break this habit.

I want you to really sense the power of what your life will become without this habit.

Repeat the words in your mind when you feel the urge rise. Say it, feel it, sense the impact.

I truly hope this series of tips to break habits helps you start to make the impact you are looking for.

The power to create them was with you and the power to break them is within you.

Reach out if I can help in any way. Luke Fenwick 0402 242 200


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