The No-BS Path to Personal Growth Blog

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Videos Luke Fenwick Videos Luke Fenwick

Breaking bad habits (video)

Has 2020 been the year of creating unwanted habits?

Did you know continued bad habits can impact not only your physical state but also impact on your mental health as the habit and the feeling of guilt build over time, many of us don't have good habits to call on but also stick with the bad ones way past their used by date.

Watch this video for a few ideas to help you smash that bad habit into tiny little pieces.

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Luke Fenwick Luke Fenwick

The conversation in our minds

We all have conversations with ourselves, we have them during the quiet times, during the busy times, we have them during times of success and times of failure. We are what we think. What are yours telling you?

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As featured in Feedspot’s 15 best Australian Life Coach Blogs and Websites in 2023