Helping you understand your limiting beliefs, unhelpful behaviours and bad habits so you can change what’s stopping you from being the best version of yourself.

As featured in Feedspot’s 15 best Australian Life Coach Blogs and Websites in 2023

Corporate Coaching Luke Fenwick Corporate Coaching Luke Fenwick

Is it remote working or mob mentality that’s killing your business?

Different organisations, different leaders, different school of thoughts. Some leaders want to blame remote-working for performance and culture issues. Others look at his challenge as one of opportunity. So, is it really people not being in the office that is creating the issue or is it the culture that needs to be worked on? Read on for a corporate coach's view on what the real issue is.

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Corporate Coaching Luke Fenwick Corporate Coaching Luke Fenwick

A corporate coach's top 10 focus areas for leaders in 2023

The beginning of the year can be hectic, navigating team and business goals. Often leaders lose focus on what they might need to develop in themselves early in the year. It’s easy to get swept up doing other priorities that will not allow you to create your own priority which is the development of YOU. Here are a corporate coach’s top 10 areas to focus on in 2023. For you, the leader of your team.

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Corporate Coaching Luke Fenwick Corporate Coaching Luke Fenwick

Who’s responsible for success and happiness in the workplace?

Is it the employer's role to enable happiness for employees? A puzzling question for a lot of bosses. Fair pay and flexibility are amongst the biggest things we assume people look for nowadays but what those same people say is what actually matters to them is quite different. Read on to understand more about this critically important topic along with a plan for your organisation to take action.

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Corporate Coaching Luke Fenwick Corporate Coaching Luke Fenwick

Your leadership has everything to do with it

Your leadership style holds your people back or drives them forward. In uncertain times, people look at leaders, and turn to the best in class leadership to navigate the rough seas. Is your leadership approach right now driving progress and supporting your teams, or holding them back? Read on for 6 scenarios and questions you should ask yourself to understand what you might be doing now and in the future.

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Corporate Coaching Luke Fenwick Corporate Coaching Luke Fenwick

The Great Disconnect and talent trends

What did over 15,000 people have to say about what matters at work? HR Managers, People Leaders and Business Owners, pay attention. Great people will leave organisations now because they are realising that it’s not just about the money. In fact, they will move for the same or less money if a number of their other needs will be over-delivered on by their new employer. Find out what those needs are.

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Corporate Coaching Luke Fenwick Corporate Coaching Luke Fenwick

HubSpot's Global Week of Rest: hype or mental health blueprint of hope?

Was HubSpot's Global Week of Rest just big tech hype or a mental health blueprint of hope? A recent study by Deloitte found that 77% of respondents have experienced burnout at their current job, and nearly 70% feel that their employers aren’t doing enough about it. So, if you aren't a global giant what can you take from this? Anyone who wants to help their teams, read on for what to do next.

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Corporate Coaching Luke Fenwick Corporate Coaching Luke Fenwick

People leaders: rethink your approach to set your team up for success

If you are a people leader, you know it's not easy. Your people are demanding more of themselves and their employer now than ever before so the real questions are: Can a training session be sufficient to set your team up for success? How do you care for the individuals in your team? For different results, you need to rethink your approach. Read more.

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