The No-BS Path to Personal Growth Blog
Practical strategies to help you break through limits, build better habits, and become the best version of yourself.
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6 Simple Habits to Stay Present in a Distracted World
Struggling to stay present in a world full of distractions? You’re not alone. Discover the hidden traps in your brain that pull you away from the moment and learn, straight from a behaviour strategist, 6 practical habits to help you stay focused on what truly matters—your relationships, your well-being, and your daily life.
Are you suffering from fopo?
FOPO is an acronym that stands for Fear Of People’s Opinions. In this blog I explore FOPO, what it is, where it comes from, how to recognise the signs of FOPO, some of the triggers that may set it off for you and what you can do to learn to master it. Read on to get a few steps further towards you being free from FOPO or maybe just suffering from it far less?
A father’s learnings from lockdown with a kid and a life coach’s take on it
2 months of strict lockdown spending more consecutive face to face time with my 2 year old boy than any other human I have ever known. What I learned as a father and the life coach’s perspective on my own parenting experience.