The No-BS Path to Personal Growth Blog
Practical strategies to help you break through limits, build better habits, and become the best version of yourself.
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Why you should love yourself now and how to achieve it
At a point in your life, you learned not to love yourself, but why? Maybe waiting until you get something or achieve a desired outcome? Thing is, this is fraught with flaws. You should love yourself now by respecting yourself and allowing your actions and thoughts to represent this as the path forward from this moment on. The real question is how. Read for more.
Unlearn your limiting beliefs about self-worth
Understanding your limiting beliefs about self-worth may be the difference with you living a better life, the life you want and desire - because you believe that you are worthy of it. Self-worth comes from within as it relates to your sense of being good enough or conversely, not a worthy person. And you hold the power to build it up! Read for more.
My rationale for my irrational thinking
We all have irrational thoughts that creep into our mind at the worst possible time but what happens if you think your irrational thoughts are actually serving a real purpose and are based on solid foundations? AKA what I call rationalising irrational thinking. This edition of That’s BS newsletter explains why irrational thoughts are complete BS and how to discern a regular thought from an irrational one. Then what to do about them. Read on for more.
Playing the victim card is BS!
Certain behaviour patterns are associated with the ‘victim mentality’. The professional victim has a strong tendency to negativity at signs of any friction and challenge in their life. Self-sabotage is a huge ongoing habit. Sadly, playing the victim card is often just driven by a need for validation or sympathy.
Procrastination: I can’t even think about that right now
Procrastination has a cost and it’s not what you think it is - it’s you! When is it ever the right time to take massive action? Do you have "this will never work" objections running wild in your head? If you haven’t heard of the term "limiting beliefs" that’s exactly what those objections are and they are not your friend, they are holding you back. Read on to understand what to do about them.
Thrive, Survive or Crash-dive (Podcast)
In this podcast from The Mindset Mastery podcast series, Luke and host Rachel Tapscott discuss his journey from corporate roles to life coach and the lessons learnt along the way. The battles of stress and anxiety that many of us face along with plenty more about the stories we tell ourselves and why tiny powerful habits can be the game changer to a life that is feeling unfulfilled.
The conversation in our minds
We all have conversations with ourselves, we have them during the quiet times, during the busy times, we have them during times of success and times of failure. We are what we think. What are yours telling you?