The No-BS Path to Personal Growth Blog
Practical strategies to help you break through limits, build better habits, and become the best version of yourself.
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How to make big decisions 101
Do big decisions scare the sh1t out of you? We’re talking that one BIG decision, the one burning a hole in your mind… looming… the one you’re not making [whatever your reason is] when you know in your core that you should. And that if you don’t, you’ll keep thinking about it feeling incomplete and unfulfilled. This edition of That’s BS newsletter gives step-by-step strategies on how to make big decisions in your life. Read on for more.
4 tips from a life coach on how to choose a life coach
Here are my 4 tips on HOW TO choose a life coach (from an experienced life coach). There are many different types of life coaches out there and who you turn to will depend on what you're looking to achieve and the coach's methodology. #1 It's about you! Keep reading to find out what the others are.