Helping you understand your limiting beliefs, unhelpful behaviours and bad habits so you can change what’s stopping you from being the best version of yourself.

As featured in Feedspot’s 15 best Australian Life Coach Blogs and Websites in 2023

Luke Fenwick Luke Fenwick

Hey there, I think you might be a narcissist

The feelings of self-importance or superiority, the need to be looking powerful, and a sense of entitlement to special treatment. All this sometimes coupled with difficulty empathising with other people’s needs and desires… You could be a narcissist and not know it. Here’s what you can do if you are showing the traits.

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Luke Fenwick Luke Fenwick

Men, working your shit out by yourselves just doesn’t work!

This blog is about men taking the lead to sort out some pretty serious shit, this not just about a plan but firstly owning up to where you are at and then what comes next. Masculinity is not about being a tough guy. Men, it’s time to stop the acts of being a boy at heart and sort your shit out!

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Corporate Coaching Luke Fenwick Corporate Coaching Luke Fenwick

Will 2021 be your Amazon or Kodak moment?

2020 has been a gap year away from the office. During the time away, something has occurred for many professionals and that is the chance to reflect. This blog talks to the critical need to provide your team with momentum, energy and a realisation that they have enough inside them to achieve inspiring results, along with tangible strategies to create powerful habits.

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